Our ceremony styling for Kass & Kade’s wedding at Point Cartwright, Buddina. Timber arbour styled with white chiffon, green ivy & pink & white peonies. Our jute circle rug & white lanterns add the finishing touches. Ceremony supplied & styled by Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our ceremony styling for Chloe & Corey’s wedding at Mooloolaba Spit, Mooloolaba. Bamboo arbour styled with white chiffon, ivy, faux flowers and white wicker heart. Shepherd hooks with mason jars and fresh flowers either side of our sea grass aisle runner. Round signing table decorated with […]
Congratulations to Jessica and George on their wedding at Mudjimba Beach, Mudjimba. Our single arbour styled with white chiffon, shell love heart & starfish/shell/raffia for a beach ceremony theme. Starfish/shell chair aisle decor and our sea grass aisle runner. Wedding ceremony hire & styling by Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our ceremony styling for Lori & Andrew’s wedding, on the lawn at Kawana Surf Club. Bamboo arbour styled with white chiffon, green ivy, peony flowers & wicker love heart. White lanterns with peony flowers & babies breath for aisle decor.
Our ceremony styling for Tamara & Tracy’s wedding at Shelly Beach, Caloundra. Our 4 post arbour styled with white chiffon & wicker hearts. Black chair sashes & wicker hearts for aisle decor. Our first LGBT wedding for 2018!!!
Our ceremony styling today for Krystal & Dylan’s wedding at Kawana Surf Club, Sunshine Coast. Timber wedding arbour decorated with ivy, flowers and wicker love heart.
Our ceremony styling for Bec and Will’s wedding at Buderim Forrest Park. Timber wedding arbour styled with dream catcher and green ivy. White wicker love hearts for aisle decor.
Our ceremony styling for Rachael & Alex’s wedding day at Wirreanda Park, Buderim. Timber arbour decorated with white chiffon, flowers/greenery and white vintage heart. Peony posies for aisle decor. Supplied & styled by Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our ceremony styling for Nicci & Mitchells sunrise wedding ceremony at Yaroomba Lookout, Sunshine Coast. Timber wedding arbour styled with white chiffon & shell love heart.
Our ceremony styling for Nicole and Ben’s wedding at Shelly Beach, Caloundra. Bamboo arbour styled with white chiffon, green ivy, faux flowers and shell heart.