Our ceremony styling for Cherie and Shane’s wedding day at Mooloolaba Spit, Mooloolaba. Our bamboo arbour styled with white chiffon and starfish & shell garland. Starfish & shell aisle decor and our seagrass aisle runner.
Our ceremony styling for Stefanie and Dale’s wedding on Chambers Island, Maroochydore. Bamboo arbour styled with lace curtains & wicker love heart. Seagrass aisle runner & small wicker hearts for aisle decor.
Our ceremony styling for Shelly and Clay’s wedding on the lawn at Kawana Surf Club, Sunshine Coast. Bamboo arbour styled with white chiffon & wicker hearts. Small white lanterns with native flora at the base of our arbour. Ceremony supplied & styled by Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our ceremony for Robyn and Frank’s wedding day at Double Bay Beach, Kawana Island. Our timber arbour styled with white chiffon curtains, white wicker love heart and faux green ivy & flowers. Supplied & styled by Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our ceremony styling for Karina and Simon for their wedding on the helipad at Noosa Marina, Sunshine Coast. Bamboo arbour decorated with starfish & shells for their beach theme. Supplied & styled by Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our ceremony styling for Danielle & Billy’s wedding at Noosa Botanical Gardens, Sunshine Coast. Simple and elegant styling using mother nature as our arbour. Supplied & styled by Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our ceremony styling for Claire & Aaron’s wedding on Buddina Beach, Sunshine Coast. Bamboo arbour decorated with white chiffon, green ivy & white faux flowers with a wicker love heart. Navy blue chair sashes with small wicker love hearts for aisle decor. Supplied & styled by Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our ceremony styling for Janelle & Toni’s sunrise wedding on Bulcock Beach, Caloundra. Bamboo arbour decorated with white chiffon & wicker love hearts. Guest’s provided rainbow coloured umbrellas to show their support of these two beautiful brides. Ceremony supplied & styled by Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our ceremony styling for Regan & Jarred’s wedding on Chambers Island, Sunshine Coast. Our rustic teepee’s decorated with pampas grass. White lanterns with fresh greenery for aisle decor. Seagrass aisle runner for our walkway. Supplied and styled by Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our ceremony styling for Cath & Matt on their wedding at Maroochy Bushland Botanical Gardens. Wicker heart chair aisle decor & round signing table with lantern & love sign. What a gorgeous giant fern over hanging the gardens arbour.