Our ceremony styling for Lauren & Chris at Noosa. Bamboo arbour styled with chiffon and faux flowers and greenery. Navy blue chair sashes and seagrass aisle runner. Location: Casuarina Gardens, Noosa.
Our ceremony setting for Christeen & Robert. Bamboo arbour styled with chiffon and white faux flowers & greenery. Seagrass aisle runner. Location: Maison La Paige, Noosa.
Our styling for Sam & Andy. Our couple had their own circle arbour which we setup and styled for their ceremony. Burlap chair sashes and wicker hearts for aisle decor & our sea grass aisle runner. Ceremony hire and styling by Barefoot Bride Weddings. Location – Noosa Marina.
Our ceremony styling for Henrique and Carolina’s wedding at Casuarina Gardens, Noosa. Bamboo arbour styled with white chiffon, greenery & white flowers. Our jute string bottles with posies for aisle decor and seagrass aisle runner.
Our ceremony setting for Hannah and Tim’s wedding day at Noosa Woods Park, Noosa. Beautiful fresh arbour flowers by Hunt+Clo Florist. White wicker hearts for aisle decor. Styling by Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our ceremony setting for Fiona and Damian’s wedding at Beach Stone House, Noosa North Shore. Timber wedding arbour styled with white curtains, pink and white faux flowers and love heart. Pink and white posies for aisle decor. Hire & styling – Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our ceremony styling for Karina and Simon for their wedding on the helipad at Noosa Marina, Sunshine Coast. Bamboo arbour decorated with starfish & shells for their beach theme. Supplied & styled by Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our ceremony styling for Danielle & Billy’s wedding at Noosa Botanical Gardens, Sunshine Coast. Simple and elegant styling using mother nature as our arbour. Supplied & styled by Barefoot Bride Weddings.
Our bamboo arbour & teepee styling for Bree & Jamie’s wedding ceremony at Laguna Grove, Noosa. Fresh flower petals for the aisle way.
Jasmin & Elliot’s wedding ceremony at Noosa Springs Golf Club, Noosa. Our teepee setting with royal blue sashes & wicker hearts on chairs.