Our ceremony styling and flower decor for Ajay and Joe’s wedding day. Natural timber wedding arch styled with white chiffon and white and lilac flower decor. Location: Caloundra Power Boat Club, Sunshine Coast.
Our wedding ceremony set up and styling for Georgia and Sean. Timber wedding arch styled with white chiffon and white flower corner arrangement. White rose posy flowers for chair aisle decor. Jute circle mat and aisle runner. Location: Shelly Beach, Caloundra.
Wedding ceremony for Michelle and Rawiri. Our white timber wedding arch styled with pink & white faux flower decor. Jute aisle runner and white rose posies for chair aisle decor. Location: Keith Hill Park, Golden Beach.
Our ceremony setting for Marie and Ross. White timber wedding arch styled with chiffon and dried palm and flower decor. Location: Sir Leslie Wilson Park, Caloundra.
Our ceremony setting for Kathryn & Adam. White timber wedding arch styled with white chiffon and faux white roses/greenery and rose posies for chair aisle decor. Jute circle rugs for aisle. Location: Shelly Beach, Sunshine Coast.
Wedding day for Tracie and Ricky. Our white timber wedding arch styled with chiffon and white rose flowers and greenery. Location: Shelly Beach, Sunshine Coast.
Our ceremony setting for Jo and Rodney’s wedding day. Timber wedding arch styled with macrame hanging and our white & green faux flower arrangement. Location: Portobello By The Sea, Caloundra.
Our stunning beach wedding ceremony for Alexis and Melissa. Timber wedding arch styled with chiffon and dried flower arrangement supplied by our brides. Jute circle mats for aisle decor. Location: Shelly Beach, Sunshine Coast
Wedding ceremony styling for Kate and Andrew. White timber wedding arch styled with pink & white flower decor & chiffon. White wicker love hearts for aisle decor. Location: Shelly Beach, Sunshine Coast.
Wedding ceremony set up and styling for Thalia and Andrew. Pink & white flower decor & green ivy flower decor used to decorate the wedding gazebo at Caloundra Power Boat Club. White lanterns and flower posies in jars for aisle decor.