Our ceremony styling for Nicole and Ben’s wedding at Shelly Beach, Caloundra. Bamboo arbour styled with white chiffon, green ivy, faux flowers and shell heart.
Our wedding ceremony styling today for Rebecca & Derren on the lawn at Kawana Surf Club, Sunshine Coast. Bamboo arbour styled with white chiffon and starfish & shell decor. Seagrass aisle runner & light blue sashes.
Our ceremony styling today for Jaimee & Josh at Sir Leslie Wilson Park, Dicky Beach. Timber wedding arbour decorated with fresh flowers. White wicker love hearts as aisle decor.
Our ceremony styling for Yvette & Clinton’s wedding at Shelly Beach, Caloundra. Timber wedding arbour styled with green ivy, peony flowers and love heart.
Our ceremony styling for Kim & Trevor’s wedding at Shelly Beach, Caloundra.
Our ceremony styling for Willow and Steve at Point Perry Lookout, Coolum Beach.
Our ceremony styling for Dianne and Dan’s Wedding at Shelly Beach, Caloundra. Bamboo wedding arbour styled with white chiffon, green ivy & peony flowers.
Our ceremony styling for Asha & Troy’s wedding at Cotton Tree Park, Sunshine Coast.
Our bamboo teepee setting for Deb and Rob’s wedding at Sir Leslie Wilson Park, Caloundra.
Our ceremony styling for Deb & Ken’s wedding at Stumners Creek, Coolum Beach.